Creating space for innovation – Swiss Healthcare Startups & HIN

Swiss Healthcare Startups and HIN are working together to promote innovative solutions for digital collaboration and networking. Startups benefit from attractive special terms when connecting to the HIN Trust Space, while the HIN community enjoys simple and secure access to innovative applications. This article also exists in German, French and Italian. Change language.Healthcare in Switzerland is changing, with digitalization opening up new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and networking between stakeholders. HIN firmly believes that further development calls for innovative ideas and motivated entrepreneurs who are commit-ted to their visions. This is why we maintain a partnership with Swiss Healthcare Startups, which promotes and supports innovative startups.

Strong partnership, strong new solutions

«Through the partnership with Swiss Healthcare Startups, we aim to create space for innovation and encourage new solutions for digital collaboration and networking to address the needs of stakeholders within the healthcare sector», says Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation at HIN. Angelina Rau, CEO ad interim of Swiss Healthcare Startups, draws the following conclusion after more than two years of collaboration: «HIN puts innovation into practice in an exemplary way by regularly and uncomplicatedly exchanging ideas with SHS Startups in an exploratory manner – from which concrete, new projects are jointly developed. HIN lives innovation.»

« Through the partnership with Swiss Healthcare Startups, we aim to create space for innovation and encourage new solutions for digital collaboration and networking. »Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, HIN

Encourage startups, facilitate innovation

Over 90 percent of relevant stakeholders in the Swiss healthcare sector have now joined the HIN community. The HIN Applications solution allows application providers to connect their application to the HIN Trust Space – and so make it easily and securely accessible to this community. As part of the partner-ship with Swiss Healthcare, startups benefit from special terms. «We all benefit from this – the startups, HIN, and the entire HIN community. Startups can open up their application to a broad audience, the HIN community can easily make use of innovative solutions, and we at HIN can make our offer even more attractive for our clients», says Urs Fischer. Are you a startup and provider of a new application?

« HIN puts innovation into practice in an exemplary way – from which concrete, new projects are jointly developed. HIN lives innovation. »Angelina Rau, CEO ad interim of Swiss Healthcare Startups

Maximum reliability and controllability in the HIN Trust Space

The internet struggles with technical limitations because it still uses the same protocol – the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – as it did when it was first introduced back in 1989. Until now, HIN has not been able to do much to counter the restrictions and security gaps that persist today. This changed in 2022 when HIN completed the technical roll-out of the Trust Space (HVR), and so created a secure digital space for healthcare specialists, institutions and applications that is separate from the public internet. The HIN Trust Space is based on the SCION technology devel-oped at ETH Zurich. Thanks to SCION, the HVR Trust Space protects against DDoS and routing attacks, and thus enables work to continue without interruption – including through pathway optimization if connection is lost. Geofencing (e.g. limiting the location to Switzerland) further enables strict data protection requirements to be implemented easily. Integration in the HIN Trust Space thus offers application providers unprecedented security and reliability for their application with respect to data transmission and communication.Do you want to connect your application to HIN for the first time? Adopt this innovative solution from the start. Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, would be delighted to advise you: / Tel. 079 662 90 26

Get to know us

Do you have ideas regarding digital collaboration in the Swiss healthcare sector? Here at HIN, we value the exchange of ideas, mutual inspiration and interdisciplinary collaboration. We look forward to discussing your ideas and thoughts with you.Contact Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation: / Tel. 079 662 90 26
Urs Fischer, Leiter Business Development & Innovation
Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, HIN
About Swiss Healthcare Startups (SHS)The non-profit organization Swiss Healthcare Startups (SHS) supports innovative startups that aim to create added value for the Swiss healthcare sector. As a neutral platform, SHS Startups facilitates initial contact with relevant industry stakeholders, and promotes dialog, networking and exchange within the healthcare sector.More about Swiss Healthcare Startups